Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rock of Ages

The Second poem is one written in the eighteenth century by a certain Augustus Topaldy, in his great hymn, Rock of Ages:

Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfil thy law's demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to thy cross I cling;
Naked, come to thee for dress,
Helpless, look to thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly,
Wash me, Saviour, or I die!

God has through his cross, paved the way for you to come to him: uncondemned and forgiven. As Paul succintly writes, "For by Grace through faith are ye saved, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" Eph 2:8.

3 lessons to know are these:

1. No one is ever too far gone to become a christian, or to be accepted by God.
2. All that God wants and accepts is simple faith; a trust in him and acceptance of his grace.
3. Never doubt your instant acceptance into God's family when you open your hearts to Him.

God is still in the business of saving you. The rock of ages knocks the door now, will you accept him?

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