Friday, December 01, 2006

Failing Foward

Ironically this Title is the same as that of a book by one of my treasured authors "John Maxwell" (another one of my collection of literature). While the message and ideas are embraced, I do not intend to write a book review here nor adapt his message. The past few months has indeed been daunting for me, and a test of my faith as well as strong resolve in the Lord. I have held on firmly to the principles for which my life is based and growing stronger in God's Grace. It is in light of this that I share my thoughts on today's blog:

It is easy to think of yourself as the person you have been. Yet it is far more powerful to see yourself as the person you can become. The mistakes and disappointments of the past may seem to be a major presence in your life or threaten to shape your future. At this very moment however, you can choose to leave them completely behind. From this point on, your life is up to you. In each and every moment that is to come, you are free to choose your thoughts, your feelings, your actions and your attitude.

Consider your possibilities. Think about what could happen if the limitations you thought existed were not really there at all. Reach deep within yourself and connect your thoughts to the things that truly matter. Then imagine expressing those treasured values with the way you live each moment. The things you can accomplish are yet unexplored, even still no eyes yet seen nor ears heard or even hearts conceived. You bask as a true praise of a most talked of personality - EMMANUEL!

Beginning now, you can live with the richness and profound purpose that you know is right for you. From this point on, your life is yours to choose.................Really it is!

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