Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Best Way to Live

The word selflessness brings to mind the idea putting oneself less. While this is not incorrect, it is incomplete unless we focus on the object of such gesture: Others! How do we demonstrate selfless living in our everyday lives?

The life of one comes readily to mind, of a man so full of love and compassion for people despite being despised, hated and afflicted by them.One who knowing their eternal destiny was destruction and death ignored himself and took a decision, a decision that would change the course of human destiny, one that would become the basis of life.

He made the most selfless decision known to man; he paved the path to redemption for all humanity by giving up his own life. This man submitted himself to the most gruesome death ever known to mankind. He died in a most humiliating and shameful, yet painful manner. And while he died, he asked that his murderers be forgiven. The thought of this brings tears to my eyes as I wondered how anyone could be so selfless, so full of love and compassion for people who didn’t even care about him.

Before I became a Christian I was completely fascinated by this story, the story of the one who would willingly die for me, even though I’d never met him. I remember thinking it must be insane or unordinary for any man to love like this and go through what he did. This love so captivated me that even if the threat of eternity in hell wasn’t enough to scare me into accepting Jesus, this act sure made me embrace him.

In this one show of love, this man called Jesus had set an example. And he did this as a human being just like you and I.

For as much then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, he himself likewise took part of the same….. Therefore, in all things he had to be made like his brethren….” Heb 4:14, 17.

Jesus exhibited this selfless nature as a human being, filled with divine ability; the same divine ability that has been given to us as Christians. Remember his words to us about having the capacity to do the works he’s done and even greater works? Thus we establish that we have in us, God’s ability to be completely selfless.

Another fact we need to understand is the desire behind Jesus’ act of selflessness, I mean why did he do it? What did he stand to gain? Amazingly everything he did was so we would benefit from the free gift of salvation.

He demonstrated to us that the right attitude to a selfless life is not to expect anything in return, never wondering what you have to gain. Jesus showed us what it means to express true acts of love, compassion and selflessness in our daily walk whether on the bus, train, homes, church or other public place.

And such opportunities abound. It could be as simple as standing up for that old man or pregnant lady on the crowded tube, offering to do chores or help with excess work, offering to help complete strangers even if it takes you out of your way or giving generously to the poor.Let not these selfless acts be based on colour, tribe or gender. Rather let it hinge on the principles of our Lord; that which is loving and unconditional.

This is the best way to live!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Created for a Reason

You are who you are for a reason,

You’re part of an intricate plan

You’re a precious and perfect unique design

Called God’s special one

You look like you look for a reason.

Our God made no mistake

He knit you together within the womb,

You’re just what he wanted to make

The parents you have are the ones he chose

And no matter how you may feel

They are custom-designed with God’s plan in mind

And they bear the master’s seal

No, that trauma you faced was not easy

And God wept that it hurt you so

But it was allowed to shape your heart

So that into his likeness you’d grow

You are who you are for a reason

You’ve been formed by the master’s rod

You are who you are, beloved,

Carved out of the masters’ hand.

Created in God's image.

"Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives”. This catchphrase was made popular by the TV soap Days of our Lives aired on US network, NBC. It depicts the lives of men and women as they walk through this life loving, giving, hurting, hating and eventually, dying.

It is a reflection of man: His passage from birth, infancy, adolescence, and adulthood. The people he meets, the women and men he loves and the events that shape his life. It is a creative narrative of everyday struggles and how man responds to them. Perhaps some or all of these determine his values, beliefs, ideals and goals.

Oft he is drawn to certain faith that relies on an unseen being and his behaviour and integrity may inadvertently be shaped by this faith.Indeed man’s days are like sands through the hour glass: unsure, uncertain, wanton, depraved, decadent and degenerate. Man must find a route out of the mess. Is this life just about birthing, hurting, hating, corruption, selfishness, loving and dying?

Surely there must be more to our life than what we currently experience. Did we evolve for a purpose bigger than we currently accomplish? Simple minds may wonder what the religious bigotry is all about; many are quick to dissuade it as another of life’s preoccupation.

But is it really? Could there be more in the offing? Should we ever be content with merely existing? Perhaps we can shape our lives in the appropriate desired directions, and play active roles in what becomes of us.

Do you think so? I agree with you. I agree life isn’t about “Que sera sera”. Man isn’t as the grass of the land or the sands of the sea, which rise without the will to establish how the end will turn out.

I agree his faith should be more than mere religion, perhaps rather a relationship. Man can participate in his creator’s plan for him and enjoy the fullness of the magnum opus for which he evolved.

Let’s unite in this; that man indeed is a masterpiece. He is the creator’s most accomplished work, fitting for the best of his habitual pleasures. Not merely another one of the many creations of the creator, he is one carefully thought of, crafted in the splendour of the heavens, breathe with the life of God!

Friday, March 09, 2007

ZOE - Filled

As I lay in bed this morning in semi-conscious state, y'know that point where you're still kinda asleep but also awake, I was thinking how blessed I am to be filled with the life of God. Last night while speaking to my precious jewel (by the way, the pix on this page is hers....not mine; and before you wonder, male....and put up her picture described as beautiful 'cos that's what I think of her.....beautiful beyond description; not just outwardly but inwardly as well. Ah, aren't I a blessed man?), the life of God in us was the basis of the dialogue.

Intriguing as it really is, 'ZOE' is the summation of all that the father of lights has infused in every believer. I remember the first time I learnt of this awesome reality. Way back in my first year as an undergraduate and learning the ropes of christianity, I became interested in the Greek language and started studying the Greek New Testament along with my many translations of the Bible. I had learnt that the original languages in which the Bible was written were Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic for the Old Testament, New Testament and Words of Jesus respectively. I also learnt that the New Testament portion of the bible unveils all that concern me directly as a believer and that it throughly describes all that Jesus came to do as he walked the streets of the earth on his way to Golgotha, then his victorious resurrection.

To understand my identity and the inheritance which God has given to me as joint heirs with Christ therefore, I began to look deeper at the original languages. I began to consider the richness of the meaning of certain words which our poor English language could not totally describe in order that we may fully appreciate the intention of the writer in passing across his message. ZOE is one of such words. In Greek literal sense, it describes the "life of God, life in the absolute sense as God has it and the intrinsic essence that makes God, God".

Further study unveiled to me that indeed this life of God, just as God has it is what we believers have received. When Jesus said he had come to give us life, and life abundantly (John 10:10), this is what he meant. When he told Nicodemus that all who believe in him will have eternal life (John 3:16), this is exactly what he meant. When John wrote about us having life (John 1:4), or testified about eternal life which we have received from God (1 John 5:11), ZOE is what he meant.

Isn't it awesome to know that God has filled us as believers with his essence? The life that makes God who he is, is exactly what we have. If this is the case, then it means we have ALL it takes in this life and beyond to live victoriously. Darkness or death is beneath us, the earth stands still at our command - friends, we have ETERNAL LIFE! It's the seed of your victory, the assurance that you will not die, the confidence that if you ask anything from God, you will have it. Eternal life sets us on a pedestal of continual triumph, we march on as armies of conquerors.....oh my goodness; thank God for Eternal life.

A realisation of this awesome truth motivated my sign-on id "zoe-filled"; I am blessed because I am filled with the life of God, I have his life and this, more abundantly. As Peter wrote in his second epistle "According as his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness...." (2 Peter 1:3), Peter must have had Zoe in his mind. God has given to us ALL things that suffices us to reign in this life. Eternal life is the fulcrum.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Fight the good fight

One of the blessed words of Paul to young Timothy during a time when he faced the challenging task of erasing false doctrine and questions about his maturity to pastor the churches at Ephesus are what I want you to ponder upon this month. Written to encourage him in his conduct and to be on his guard lest his youthfulness become a liability, rather than an asset, to the gospel, the apostle charged him to “Fight the good fight of faith…” 1 Tim 6: 12.

Just like Timothy, there seems to be an extra responsibility on our shoulders as young Christians to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and the gentleness that befits a man of God. As Jesus taught in his sermon on the mount, let us pursue holiness; the maturity that comes by continual fellowship with God, his word and prayer. The same message is echoed by Jude in his epistle;

… contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”. Jude v 3

Exercising our Authority in Christ

One man whose ministry has significantly helped my growth is that of the late Rev Kenneth Erwin Hagin. Listening to his messages as well as reading his many literature obviously shaped my thoughts and perspectives about the faith. I have learnt through his ministry and countless other study of God's word that indeed the believer has been given the authority in Christ Jesus.

Authority over sicknesses and pains, authority over the devil, dominion over the earth, authority to use the name of Jesus, authority over death, authority over any and everything that's of this world. We have been transfered to a pedestal in this life where we reign in the heavenly places.

By virtue of Christ's death on calvary, he purchased for us this authority and infused the power of God in our spirits that we have the ability to do greater works on this earth. We thus ought to exercise our authority in christ and lead triumphant lives continually for "Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world".

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Our Light Affliction

This morning I want to encourage you. Perhaps you're going through a tough time, perhaps things aren't as great as you would desire. Be patient, relax and let your rejoicing be in the Lord. Today may not be shaping up the way you would ideally want, and the storms of life may be taking their toll on you. I am in this phase as well, but as I prayed this morning, the lord lifted up my heart.

I began to see that God is purging me and preparing me for a greater glory. I began to see that indeed, he is faithful to ensure that I will not be tried beyond what I can handle. He hasn't promised me a life of "no trials or challenges", indeed he warned me they'll come, my faith will be tested....but that I should be cheerful, because I through God has overcome. I am a victor and I live in God as a triumphant child of his glory.

I knew within the inner man that I cannot afford to be led of my senses, considering what I can see rather than what I cannot see. For I live my life by the faith of God and not by my sight (senses). So I rejoice, I am boisterous because I know that at the end of this darkness is a great dawn. Just like Jesus went through a time of darkness - his betrayal, the cruel trials, the mockery, the denials, the beatings, the crucifixtion; he awoke victorious, to a new and blessed dawn.

From the mind's eye, everything seems like the weight of the world may be all on you, and that God has forsaken you. Be of good cheer child of God, these are just light afflictions. God has promised that they are temporary and are working for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Release your faith in God, rejoice that he's found you faithful to take you through your fire of refinement so that you can come out purified, precious and great.

Our God is worthy to be praised!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Singing or Sinning?

I have heard different kinds of preached messages with some of them having some interesting topics. Consider these: "Excuse me Lord, I have a question!", " Content in the Context of the Concept", and the one that drew my mind's eye, "Are you singing or sinning?". Before you allow your mind to wonder at the basis of such a message, hold your breath and check out this simple piece of scripture.

"By HIM (Jesus) therefore let us offer the sacrifice of Praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name". Heb 13:15

Accordingly we are supposed to open our mouth, sing with grace in our hearts and praise God continually. Isn't it the Psalmist who beseeched everything that has breath to praise the Lord? Aren't we as Christians supposed to live a life of continous worship and thanksgiving to our God? Indeed we are! However we ought to realise one important thing; let your praising be BY HIM. What does this mean?

Simply put, let every song you sing be one that acknowledges Jesus' finished work on your behalf, sing with an understanding of what God through his son did for you in calvary. Before you utter those words in singing, read the lyrics again. Do they agree with what the Bible says concerning you? Do they indeed show forth the magnificence of God? If you don't know, then rather than plunge into a singing spree, check your Bible or ask your Pastor or some learned brother or sister.

Just like James warned us against praying amiss, Paul in his writings indirectly requests us not to sing amiss. In scriptures like Eph 5:19-20, Col 3:16 we are told that when we sing, let it be with an understanding of the Grace of God, giving thanks to his name for Jesus Christ. There are a number of songs called Gospel, which in reality are not Gospel. I mean, if we read the lyrics and consider the messages, indeed they are not "good news". Rather than depict the sovereignty and excellence of God and his manifest blessings to us through Christ, these songs do otherwise.

Gospel songs are supposed to be exactly what we call them; Gospel (good news)! Next time you listen to a song, or attempt to sing your favourite melody, stop to read the lyrics very well. Ponder the message and like a christian with a Berea attitude, check to ensure its concomitant with scripture truth. If you don't, you just may be sinning and not singing.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Great 2007 Ahead

I guess it's a little belated, but better late than never! So here's wishing all bloggers a fruitful blogging 2007. I trust that our values and ideals, which form the basis of what we write will continue to inspire others to greatness.

Goals for the year? I've got some and will share soon. In the meantime, I just want to devote sometime to articles of spiritual significance.... a post to encourage you to continually reign in life. I also came across a web page that floats a ministry of a dear brother. A quick look through suggests it intends to be rich in content and impactful in messages. Check it out here on Christ Life Line.

Enjoy 2007!