Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sure we're still on Track?

Isn't it amazing how much emphasy on making money, living large and acquiring so much wealth has pervaded the church these days? Every song or sermon is centered on this issue with different sides wielding their banters.

While I do not belong to the school of thought that says Christians should live an impoverished life, I also do not belong to the group that focuses on acquiring wealth (with all its pleasures, cars, mansions, $ and £ in the wallet etc etc). I believe that Prosperity is a part of our God-given salvation, yes.......But I also believe in one thing, and this is that my pre-occupation should not be centred on issues of insignificance as wealth, cars, clothes, travels and all that we seem to follow after these end days.

Afterall God is sufficient to our every need and doth provide as richly as he is (Phil 4:19, paraphrase mine). Besides he has sent us, in focus on Kingdom issues and to expand his work on earth. When he says we should "occupy till he comes", sorry folks Jesus isn't saying gather as much wealth and the fullness of materiality (as some have interpreted the parable of the talents). He is saying " take charge of the earth (have authority) and expand the Kingdom frontiers" till he comes!

" If ye then be risen with Christ, pursue those things which are above...........set your affections on things above......." (Col 3:1,2)

Need I say more?


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Many thanks, it would be nice to read from you as well!

Beeci said...

True words there…sometimes I have to remind myself to snap out of the prosperity seeking mode…it is all chasing after the win.I’ve come to learn and realise that indeed when “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want”;if He cares so much about my wants…how much more of my needs!great post…5 years later!lol