Friday, December 16, 2005

Jesus Heals..

One of the images that lingers on my mind is the cover page picture of one of Kenneth Hagin's (of blessed memory) "Word of Faith" some six years ago. It was simple yet captivating and soul searching. It was a picture of a weak and sickly woman who clutched onto her Bible (seemingly to represent God's word). Right behind her were three shadows each pointing in different directions, each away from the Bible. Reading that article I discovered the true meaning of the cover picture.

I remember adapting this concept to use as a dance drama when I was in the University. The plot was simple with similar characters. Only this time, we put the shadows into action depicting each one as pointing the woman to the Grave, Hospital or Shrine (or some other demi-god). I believe this image brings home a war in our minds everytime we fall ill or are afflicted with some form of disease or ailment.

Do we take solace in God's promise of healing and health? When an affliction wages with your body, what's your first point of call for help? God is still in the business of healing us, he's been doing it from creation, he is still doing it!

"Surely he has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains........And by his stripes we are healed" (Is 53:4,5).

Next time you feel a pain or have a sickness, remember God's word that he healed you at Calvary(1 Peter 2:24). Like the woman in the cover story, hold onto God's word. Ignore the call for anywhere else!

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