Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Dan Brown Controversy

I have recently been swamped with emails, and have been privileged to listen in on conversations that bother on whether the allegations posited by Dan Brown in his recent book, "The DaVinci Code" are any threat to Christianity and Christ. Many of the opinions have castigated the author and his piece as a direct attack on Christian beliefs, and another attempt by the devil to subvert the truth. What more, the subsequent movie block buster has generated a lot of debate about whether people should be encouraged to watch it or not!

I laugh at such remarks and uninformed views. For me, the issue here is not about whether people see the movie or read the book. As a true christian who understands the Gospel and Biblical doctrine, I laugh at man's folly and attempt to ridicule the truth, forgetting that "You can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth".

Dan Brown's assertion isn't anything new to Christiandom. Infact when Jesus was alive, he was accused of blasphemy, dining with sinners, and inciting his followers against Jewish authority. After his death, the Gnostics came up with another version of lies, allegating that Jesus indeed did not rise again from the dead. Cerinthus also posited that the hypostatic union was a falacy, and that Jesus wasn't a God-Man. The validity of the virgin birth was also questioned. In the face of all these however, the Truth remains; Jesus is and indeed will always be True God, and One who holds preeminence. Our God knew that falacies as these will arise, and such nonsense as the Dan Brown claim about Jesus' marriage to Mary Magdalene, and a Holy Child is just another of many. In fact, the Bible warns us ahead thus;

"Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times (end times as we are now) some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron," 1 Tim 4:1,2 (emphasis mine)

The Point is this: Contrary to what is the general apprehension in the Christian community that such movies like this will draw people away from the truth, I beg to differ that indeed it only serves to strengthen True Christian resolve to stand for redemption, or as Jude put it, " to contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints". The quoted scripture in 1Tim 4:1,2 couldn't be any more apt. I checked the original Greek rendition of the phrase "speaking lies in hypocrisy" and discovered that it actually means in Greek literal sense, "promulgating erroneous christian doctrine, to achieve dissimulation".

So Let Dan Brown and his cohorts continue, the Church isn't fazed.....not at all! Infact he is a mere piece in (permit me to use the word) "assisting" to show that indeed "You can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth". True Believers will arise and be undeceived, for they know the Truth. Unbelievers will be steered to wonder what exactly is the Truth, and may stumble at it and believe it. Panic not my friends, Jesus still Rules in the affairs of men.


Anonymous said...

I like that!
Dan Brown is not the first neither will he be the last to make an attempt at taking a strike at the integrity of God's word. The Peril, Pain and Perdition is his and to those carried away by his dissimulation. One thing men simply can't do is to ignore the cross... but we know that the foundation of Christ stands sure...knowing THIS...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this piece. Jesus Chirst has been made the Chief cornerstone. To us that believe, He is Precious, but to them that believe not, He is a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
Continue in the grace that is your in Christ Jesus


Unknown said...

Wise words friends. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Jennifer A. said...

"You can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth"

You know, when the movie came out my pastor said it would be a waste of time to see the movie as Christians, and not only that some people said that involving oneself with such things will reduce the faith.

But you're right, no one can do anything about the truth. It will always shine brightly.

I agree with you here, "Contrary to what is the general apprehension in the Christian community that such movies like this will draw people away from the truth, I beg to differ that indeed it only serves to strengthen True Christian resolve to stand for redemption, or as Jude put it, " to contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints".

Great article!

Unknown said...

Very kind words Jaycee...thank you