Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Time Well Spent

What do you consider as time well spent? Everyday of our lives we go through varying proportions of challenges, tasks and responsibilities that demand the best (or sometimes the worst) from us. Our responses often times are a definition of our personalities, our ideals and our values.....or maybe not. It may also be as a result of inner pressures to please, a desire for false recognition or merely an opportunity to be adventurous.

However your day is spent, we all (I hope) retire to consider the high points of the day and reflect on its gains and losses. Naturally, we value some time of the day better than others and would be happy to tell anyone what we consider as our time well spent.

Permit me to ask once again? What do you value as time well spent everyday?

Do you spend some of your exhaustive day talking and relating in fellowship with God? Do you pause through the barrage of activities to focus on the inner man and your walk with Jesus? Do you value the help of the Holy Spirit all through the day and give him right of place? Or would you normally skip through the day without pausing nor praying, listening nor meditating (on his word and will)?

"........men always ought to pray, and not to faint" Luke 18:1

There are numerous verses of the Holy writ where Christians are encouraged to take off time to commune with God. The idea isn't merely locked up into praying, as in supplicating (though much of this is implied). It also follows the thought that we should spend our days in constant communication with God and his word.

The benefits are tremendous! One of which is a constant participation in, and awareness of your life as seen by the eye of God. If I could live each day walking with God and getting tips on how to go about each minute or hour without the incessant slip-ups and failings, wouldn't that be time well spent?

I guess I don't have to wish for it; it's available! You and I can avail ourselves of the immense opportunities.

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