Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Attack on Marriage

I wonder if we (Christians) can discern the trends of our day as pertaining to Marriage. I ask this because if we observe correctly and can accurately interprete the worldly and I dare say satanic discussions surrounding the Godly Institution called Marriage, then perhaps we will understand what I am talking about.

It's no longer news that same sex marriages are being legalised and welcomed in our society. As if this isn't shuddering enough, what is more appalling is the plan to legalise multiple partner marriages and multiple gender marriages. Of course there exists today, sexual fetishes where it is commonplace to share partners, swinging and three, four or more partners in bed. Soon clamour for legalization of these in marriage will start.

This is a direct attack on God's institution. Marriage is a sacred gift given to us by God as it depicts the relationship he shares with us in Christ. The Institution has been typologically used to describe God and his Church (body).

The idea is this: since Marriage is Biblically regarded as the Union of Man and woman in matrimony, then where a man and another man, a woman and another woman can legally unite, and where a man can unite with two or more women and vice versa, or a woman in unision with another man and another woman etc (endless permutations isn't it?), then soon Marriage will sieze to exist as a Holy entity.

If God has defined Marriage as the Union of Man and Woman, and if in our day any other combination can be called Marriage, then soon everything can be called Marriage. Then the question begs to be asked: What indeed will marriage be? I'll spare you the thoughts; NOTHING!

Here's the world's plan (need I say devil?). If anything can be called Marriage, then nothing can hold on to a sole claim as marriage. Then the institution will seize to be sacred, God forbid! Like Rod Parsley titles in his acclaimed book "Silent No More", we as Christians need to awake to the issues of our day.

Please let me have your views.


Unknown said...

Sure will thanks, well done for the work of the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

The need to face up to the issue of Marriage is of no secondary importance. It's past time to return to the the the author Himself

Unknown said...

All is well with the Lord. The issue is are we ready to be vocal, to take our place in Government and legislation, to stake our claim in the rules and decisions of our society, to contend earnestly for the faith.....and the gifts the Lord has given us?