Thursday, September 30, 2010


This post is culled from "Outlive Your Life"
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2010) Max Lucado
by Max Lucado

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“They love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men” (Matt. 6:5).
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This is the working definition of hypocrisy: “to be seen by men.” The Greek word for hypocrite, hypokrit?s, originally meant “actor.” First-century actors wore masks. A hypocrite, then, is one who puts on a mask, a false face.

Jesus did not say, “Do not do good works.” Nor did he instruct, “Do not let your works be seen.” We must do good works, and some works, such as benevolence or teaching, must be seen in order to have an impact. So let’s be clear. To do a good thing is a good thing. To do good to be seen is not. In fact, to do good to be seen is a serious offense. Here’s why.

Hypocrisy turns people away from God. When God-hungry souls walk into a congregation of wannabe superstars, what happens? When God seekers see singers strut like Las Vegas entertainers . . . When they hear the preacher—a man of slick words, dress, and hair—play to the crowd and exclude God . . . When other attendees dress to be seen and make much to-do over their gifts and offerings . . . When people enter a church to see God yet can’t see God because of the church, don’t think for a second that God doesn’t react. “Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding” (Matt. 6:1 MSG).

Hypocrisy turns people against God. So God has a no-tolerance policy. Let the cold, lifeless bodies of the embezzling couple issue their intended warning. Let’s take hypocrisy as seriously as God does. How can we?

1. Expect no credit for good deeds.
None. If no one notices, you aren’t disappointed. If someone does, you give the credit to God. Ask yourself this question: If no one knew of the good I do, would I still do it? If not, you’re doing it to be seen by people.

2. Give financial gifts in secret.
Money stirs the phony within us. We like to be seen earning it. And we like to be seen giving it. So “when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matt. 6:3 NLT).

3. Don’t fake spirituality.
When you go to church, don’t select a seat just to be seen or sing just to be heard. If you raise your hands in worship, raise holy ones, not showy ones. When you talk, don’t doctor your vocabulary with trendy religious terms. Nothing nauseates more than a fake “Praise the Lord” or a shallow “Hallelujah” or an insincere “Glory be to God.”

Bottom line: don’t make a theater production out of your faith. “Watch me! Watch me!” is a call used on the playground, not in God’s kingdom. Silence the trumpets. Cancel the parade. Enough with the name-dropping. If accolades come, politely deflect them before you believe them. Slay the desire to be noticed. Stir the desire to serve God.

Heed the counsel of Christ: “First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too” (Matt. 23:26 NLT). Focus on the inside, and the outside will take care of itself. Lay your motives before God daily, hourly. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (Ps. 139:23–24 NLT).

Do good things. Just don’t do them to be noticed. You can be too good for your own good, you know.

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:3–4 NIV)

Lord, you make it plain in your Word that you hate hypocrisy, especially because it turns others away from you. So, Father, I pray that you would blunt my natural inclination to seek personal recognition for whatever good things you allow me to do. I don’t want to be a phony, but neither do I want to be a glory hound. Fill me with your Spirit, and teach me to follow his example in gladly giving all glory to your Son. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

EPIGNOSIS - Your Key to Faith

Acknowledge what you have and who you are in Christ Jesus.

Let's see Philemon 1 v 6 "that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus"

Two Greek Words to consider here - Koinonia for communication and Epignosis for acknowledge

I already shared the meaning of Koinonia and it is instructive to note that the same word is used here to describe how believers should acknowledge what they have in Christ. That is, when you 'share' your faith, you show forth the good things Christ has deposited in you.

I'll make that even clearer; the more you express your faith in Christ, living forth the essence of your new nature, you show forth every good thing you have in Christ Jesus. How do you prove your faith and Christianity? By showing it. When you show it, you prove it. It's that simple!

Like a candle or light that is lit and put on a hill and not under a bushel, God through Paul is reminding us that we have EVERY good thing in Christ. Permit me to dwell a little on that. Believers are fond of looking down on themselves, thinking they're not worth much, in false humility. Religion has wrongly taught us that humility means denying that you're all that and more.

I've got news for you Christian - EVERY GOOD THING is in you. You're Christ's handiwork (Eph 2:10) and thus you have the best of the best right there inside of you. You're awesome. God took his time to recreate you and give you every good thing along with Christ Jesus (Rom 8:32).

Still unsure? Look at Col 2:10 "And you are complete in him...".

Yes, you have every good thing in Christ. Communicate it, acknowledge it, live it. This is the true humility - Accepting who you are as a new creation.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Doing Love

Love is a verb.

This should get you thinking. For the 'love apologists' who have been taught that 'love is a feeling', some magical swooning goose-pimpled, heart warming emotion that encapsulates you towards someone, I bring you news. You have been deceived. That is not love. The emotion is rather an offshoot of love. But love itself, NO!

Love never fails.

You see, surely if love is a feeling then it'll last right? For every emotional attachment you've had and lost, surely that betrays the immovable truth that love is a feeling. If it never fails, then it's not an emotion.

Love is a decision.

You choose to love someone or something. Your 'love' towards and for the object is a decision you make. Inspite of glaring wrongs, hurts, disappointments and the loss of feeling for that person, your choice and decision to love this person is what makes love remain. It holds unto the fact that it is all about the 'doing'. This is why Love never fails.

Love is the greatest of all.

This is predicated on the fact that love never fails. That love is a decision. That love conquers every ill feeling, every emotional attachment lost. Love believes the best of its object. When love is in force, nothing else matters. Because you choose to love, you choose to win.

Love is a verb.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


One of the most powerful words used to describe the Believer's relationship with God is 'FELLOWSHIP'. This word conveys several meanings to different people. Accordingly from the holy writ, one of its most significant usage is found in 1 Corin 1:9

"God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord".

The original Greek word used here is 'KOINONIA' which literally means - participation, benefaction: to communicate, communion, distribution, fellowship.

God has called each and every one who is in him unto a participation, sharing and fellowship with him. It becomes clearer when we examine what the essence of this communication is. It means, a sharing of his nature, a participation in his reign, a benefaction of his righteousness.

When you understand that all of God is in you and you in him (John 15:20-22) and that you have been filled with all of the godhead (Col 2:10), then the message Paul intends to share becomes clear. You and I have a fellowship with God!

Isn't that exciting and liberating? He shares all things in common with us.

Rejoice believers. God is in partnership with you. You are not alone. You are not bereft of help. You are not lacking in assistance. You are not lacking in wisdom and confidence. You are not devoid of leadership. The Alpha and Omega resides within you, in fellowship with you.

He says he is faithful which means - "God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (NLT)

He keeps his word. Will you honour the continuous invitation?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Continuous Purification

In continuation of our study of certain words used to describe our redemption, I will discuss the word 'cleanse' as used in 1 John 1:7

"..if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin".

This Word is coined from the Greek word 'katharizo' which means - 'to purge, to purify, to make clean'. It is the same word from which we get the medical term 'catheter'. A catheter is a medical instrument (tube) that is inserted into the body of a diseased person for the purpose of continuous drainage, purification and removal of impurities from the body. This tube continually 'cleanses' the body making it free of all bad substances.

In the same way, John is affirming to us that the Blood of Jesus is a 'catheter', constantly purifying the believer of all sin, impurities and wrong doing. It (Jesus' blood) is the singular substance required for the continual cleansing of the believer.

Please note that this is an action that does not depend on you or what you do. That is, the cleansing is not triggered by any external action on your part. Just as the medical catheter works constantly (irrespective of the patient's condition, as long as it is inserted into him) to remove bodily impurities, the blood of Jesus works in the same way to always ensure that in the sight of God, you are always presented spotless, blameless, sinless and guiltless.

God's own catheter is at work to ensure that no matter the circumstance, there is NO CONDEMNATION to you who is in Christ Jesus. Therefore rejoice believer, you are purified by Jesus' blood. No need to go about feeling helpless or ashamed or worse, powerless. No use seeking an external vindication of your acceptance before God, or your worth to him.

The 'catheter' has made you clean. His blood cleanses you from all sin!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sharing the Word...

Having thought long and hard about what to write, I have decided that henceforth my blog will contain nuggets of God's word, taking a scripture or two and dissecting its meanings from the original languages. Sometimes it may just be looking up a word in the original Greek or Hebrew and explaining it in the light of other scriptures to help you understand the true meaning.

I believe this will help believers and students of the Word alike to understand the intention behind the communicators of the Holy Writ as they were inspired of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps that's where I should start - how that God's word, though written by mortal men is actually inspired (or written) by God himself. Lets look at 2 Peter 1:20-21

"knowing this first, that no prophesy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were MOVED by the holy ghost"

The first word to look at here is - Moved which in Greek is the word 'phero'. This literally means "to bear or carry" and figuratively - 'be driven, bring forth, be driven, be inspired, uphold'.

Basically Peter is saying effectively - think not that when we (writers of the scriptures) pen words that the words are of our own interpretation or personal opinion. Indeed they have been 'driven, inspired, borne to carry' as of God's will - the Words of Truth.

Next time someone dares compare the authorship of the Word as simple mere men writing stuff, remember 2nd Peter 1:20,21. The authorship of the Bible isn't like any other religious code of conduct or ritualistic fetishes borne of the culture or tradition of the time. This is why God's word is the ONLY truth that transcends every culture, tribe or generation.

Any wonder HE is - the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8).

Friday, March 12, 2010


In the past few months I have found myself (almost) addicted to Twitter. Yes I think I may have been bitten by the bug since I joined the ranks on a sunny afternoon in July. I'm not exactly complaining though. It has provided me with room to air views, share inner thoughts and sometimes, just have fun.

Yes I said fun...Life is a bee-hive of differing aspects to everyday living. Jesus embodied all there is to life's many blessings. The idea that you can live healthy, joyful lives being useful to the ever changing society, environment and social strata.

So...I tweet.

I think I have met a lot of people that way as well...unsure if I can call them all 'Friends' 'cos as I have learned, it pays to have few friends and even fewer close friends. I didn't think it made sense a few years ago when a friend, pastor and close confidant (#youknowwhoyouare - that's tweet lingua by the way) suggested such to me.

I think I can use Twitter for a good purpose. I think that gradually I can build a network where in lives are constantly blessed, challenged and encouraged unto a higher living. I think that indeed social networks pay a very crucial role in how we impact lives as Christians. And so I will continue, in hope that someday someone will testify of the long lasting impact a few 'tweets' have made in their lives.

iBelieve, iSpeak - tweet lingua if you didn't know already.

Tweet y'all soon.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

3 Years....

.....And a whole lot has happened. I have changed, my perspective to life, my experiences, my job, my family. I have increased in many ways, and life has taught me its fair share of many lessons.

What hasn't however changed is my thirst for truth, knowledge and opportunities. I live in a land far away from home....building and growing my own family. I have made few friends, and trusted even fewer. Disappointments have come, and indeed they have all gone. I made money, and lost money. Lost loved ones, and birthed one I madly love.

It's been 3 years, a roller coaster ride of emotions, regrets, joys and achievements.

I didn't know what to write, didn't stop to think.

I think I'm back....I'm just unsure if I should continue in the same breathe, or indeed start a new blog. I have a few days to consider this. In the meantime, continue to grow in grace...